atom-language-lconf adds LCONF language support in Atom-Editor.
Syntax highlighting for LCONF The light and simple readable data serialization format for dynamic configurations and data exchange.
Illegal syntax highlighting helps avoiding common pitfalls.
Snippets for common LCONF keywords and constructs (see snippets/language-lconf.cson)
- LCONF-Key-Value-Separators
- LCONF-Start-TAGe
- LCONF-Key :: Value Pair-
- LCON-List-multi-line-s
- LCON-List-single-line|
- LCON-Table.
- LCON-Single-Block*
- LCON-Repeated-Block
Installation happens normally either through apm install atom-language-lconf
or through the install section of
the settings tab within Atom.
Recommended Extras
Atom Light UI Theme package is the recommendet companion UI Theme.
The atom-theme-p-light-syntax package is a Syntax Theme package a derivative of Atom's One Light Syntax Theme with additional syntax highlighting for the LCONF language.
Recommended Atom Settings
- UI Theme: Atom Light
- fontFamily: "Liberation Mono"
- lineHeight: 1.3